Ecuador has a wealth of exports. Apart form petroleum they export fish (tunas, lobsters, shrimps, etc) milk products, flowers, fruits and vegetables. Ecuador has a lot to offer the tourist, from tropical forest to the Pacific Ocean rollers that wash the shores.
Most people enter the country through Quito International Airport and then head to the Salinas Resort, with Montanita Beach being one of the more famous beaches. Mount Chimborazo is the tallest mountain at over six thousand meters, but there are plenty of others over three thousand meters to keep you occupied.

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There are two main rivers being the River Esmeraldas and the Guaya River, but there are plenty more, as are the number of lakes you can explore. Mining and petro-chemicals are the two main industries. Gained independence in 1830. Quito is the capital. Football, as usual, for this part of the world.
Fifteen million people call Ecuador their home and are mainly Catholics.
Updated:- 1st January 2025